
  • Les publications du Centre de recherche en défense sociale :
  • Bamelis, L. L., Evers, S. M., Spinhoven, P., & Arntz, A. (2014). Results of a multicenter randomized controlled trial of the clinical effectiveness of schema therapy for personality disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 171(3), 305–322.
  • Bateman, A. W., Fonagy, P., & Campbell, C. (2018). Mentalizationbased treatment. In W. J. Livesley & R.Larstone (Eds.), Handbook of personality disorders: Theory, research, and treatment (2nd edition, pp. 541–554). The Guilford Press.
  • Bergman-Levy, T., Bleich, A., Kotler, M., & Melamed, Y. (2010). Security and psychiatry: The British experience and implications for forensic psychiatry services in Israel. The Israel Medical Association Journal, 12(10), 587-591.
  • Bernstein, D. P., Arntz, A., & Vos, M. D. (2007). Schema focused therapy in forensic settings: Theoretical model and recommendations for best clinical practice. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 6(2), 169–183.
  • Bernstein, D. P., Clercx, M., & Keulen-De Vos, M. (2019). Schema therapy in forensic settings. In The Wiley international handbook of correctional psychology (pp. 654–668). Wiley Blackwell.
  • Bernstein, D. P., Keulen-de Vos, M., Clercx, M., de Vogel, V., Kersten, G., Lancel, M., Jonkers, P. P., Bogaerts, S., Slaats, M., Broers, N. J., Deenen, T., & Arntz, A. (2021). Schema therapy for violent PD offenders: a randomized clinical trial. Psychological medicine, 1–15. Advance online publication.
  • Berzins, L. G., & Trestman, R. L. (2004). The development and implementation of dialectical behavior therapy in forensic settings. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 3(1), 93–103.
  • Blackburn, R. (1998). Psychopathy and personality disorder: Implications of interpersonal theory. In D.J. Cooke, A. E. Forth & R. D. Hare (Eds.), Psychopathy: Theory, research and implications for society (pp. 269–301). Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Blackburn, R., Logan, C., Donnelly, J., & Renwick, S. (2003). Personality disorders, psychopathy and other mental disorders: Co-morbidity among patients at English and Scottish high-security hospitals. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 14(1), 111–137.
  • Brooner, R. K., King, V. L., Kidorf, M., Schmidt, C. W., Jr., & Bigelow, G. E. (1997). Psychiatric and substance use comorbidity among treatment-seeking opioid abusers. Archives of General Psychiatry, 54, 71–80.
  • Cartuyvels, Y., Champetier, B. & Wyvekens, A. (2010). La défense sociale en Belgique, entre soin et sécurité: Une approche empirique. Déviance et Société, 4(4), 615-645.
  • Casselman, J. (1997). Internering: Huidige situatie. In J. Casselman, P. Cosyns, J. Goethals, M. Vandenbroucke, D. De Doncker & C. Dillen (Eds.), Internering (pp. 39-61). Garant.
    Chakhssi, F., Kersten, T., de Ruiter, C., & Bernstein, D. P. (2014). Treating the untreatable: A single case study of apsychopathic inpatient treated with schema therapy. Psychotherapy, 51(3), 447.
  • Chakhssi, F., Bernstein, D., & De Ruiter, C. (2014). Early maladaptive schemas in relation to facets of psychopathy and institutional violence in offenders with personality disorders. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 19(2), 356–372.
  • Colantonio, A., Stamenova, V., Abramowitz, C., Clarke, D., & Christensen, B. (2007). Brain injury in a forensic psychiatry population. Brain injury, 21(13-14), 1353–1360.
  • Cosyns, P., D’Hont, C., Janssens, D., Maes, E., & Verellen, R. (2007). Geïnterneerden in België. De cijfers. Panopticon, 1, 46-61.
  • Crocker, A. G., Livingston, J. D., & Leclair, M. C. (2017). Forensic Mental Health Systems Internationally. In S. Keith, P. Rogers & M. Dolan (Eds.), Handbook of Forensic Mental Health Services. Routledge
  • Deckers, A., Seynnaeve, K., Smedt, A. De, Dheedene, J., Vandenplas, E., & Auwera, A. Van der (2014). Geïnterneerden in detentie op 24/12/2013. Unpublished report.
  • de Geus, E. Q. J., Milders, M. V., van Horn, J. E., Jonker, F. A., Fassaert, T., Hutten, J. C., Kuipers, F., Grimbergen, C., & Noordermeer, S. D. S. (2021). Acquired Brain Injury and Interventions in the Offender Population: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychiatry 12:658328.
  • De Page, L. & Goethals, K. (2019). Le diagnostic des internés: y a-t-il des différences de part et d’autre de la frontière linguistique? [Diagnoses of Belgian forensic patients: is there a bias between Dutch- and French-speaking clinicians?]. Acta psychiatrica Belgica 118(3), 3-7.
  • de Vogel, V., Bosker, J. & van den Broek, E. (2019). Helder communiceren over recidiverisico’s. Proces.
  • Dienst voor het Strafrechtelijk beleid. (2011). Evaluatie van de samenwerkingsakkoorden inzake de begeleiding en behandeling van daders van seksueel misbruik Empirisch onderzoek.
  • Drake, R. E., & Wallach, M. A. (2019). Assessing the Optimal Number of Psychiatric Beds for a Region. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 46(6), 696-700.
  • Eher, R., Rettenberger, M., Etzler, S., Eberhaut, S., & Mokros, A. (2019). Eine gemeinsame Sprache für die Risikokommunikation bei Sexualstraftätern: Trenn- und Normwerte für das neue Fünf-Kategorienmodell des Static-99.Recht & Psychiatrie, 37(2), 91-99.
  • Giesen-Bloo, J., van Dyck, R., Spinhoven, P., van Tilburg, W., Dirksen, C., van Asselt, T., Kremers, I., Nadort, M., & Arntz, A. (2006). Outpatient psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder: randomized trial of schema- focused therapy vs transference-focused psychotherapy. Archives of general psychiatry, 63(6), 649–658.
  • Hart, S. D., Webster, C. D., & Menzies, R. J. (1993). A note on portraying the accuracy of violence predictions. Law and Human Behavior, 17(6), 695–700.
  • Jeandarme, I. (2016). Medium security units: recidivism & risk assesment. Tilburg University.
    Jeandarme, I., Habets, P., & Kennedy, H. (2019). Structured versus unstructured judgment: DUNDRUM-1compared to court decisions. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 64, 205–210.
  • Jeandarme, I., Saloppé, X., Habets, P., & Pham, T. H. (2019). Not guilty by reason of insanity: clinical and judicial profile of medium and high security patients in Belgium. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 30:2, 286-300,
  • Jeandarme, I., van Heesch, B., De Boel, L., Dekkers, I., Goktas, G., & Verbeke, G. (2020). High security geïnterneerden: Wie zijn zij? Waar komen ze vandaan? Waar gaan zij (niet) naartoe? Panopticon, 41(5), 448-466.
  • Johnson, J. G., Cohen, P., Smailes, E., Kasen, S., Oldham, J. M., Skodol, A. E., & Brook, J. S. (2000). Adolescent personality disorders associated with violence and criminal behavior during adolescence and early adulthood. American Journal of Psychiatry, 157(9), 1406–1412.
  • Keulen-de Vos, M., Bernstein, D. P., Clark, L. A., de Vogel, V., Bogaerts, S., Slaats, M., & Arntz, A. (2017). Validation of the schema mode concept in personality disordered offenders. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 22(2), 420–441.
  • Kokkevi, A., Stefanis, N., Anastasopoulou, E., & Kostogianni, C. (1998). Personality disorders in drug abusers: Prevalence and their association with AXIS I disorders as predictors of treatment retention. Addictive Behaviors, 23, 841– 853.
  • Larsen, R. R., Jalava, J., & Griffiths, S. (2020). Are Psychopathy Checklist (PCL) psychopaths dangerous, untreatable, and without conscience? A systematic review of the empirical evidence. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 26(3), 297.
  • Lindsay, W. R., Hogue, T., Taylor, J. L., Mooney, P., Steptoe, L., Johnston, S., O’Brien, G., & Smith, A. H. (2006). Two studies on the prevalence and validity of personality disorder in three forensic intellectual disability samples. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 17(3), 485–506.
  • Linehan, M. M., Comtois, K. A., Murray, A. M., Brown, M. Z., Gallop, R. J., Heard, H. L., … Lindenboim, N. (2006). Two-year randomized controlled trial and follow-up of dialectical behavior therapy vs therapy by experts for suicidal behaviors and borderline personality disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 63(7), 757–766.
  • Moulden, H. M., Mamak, M., & Chaimowitz, G. (2020). A preliminary evaluation of the effectiveness of dialectical behaviour therapy in a forensic psychiatric setting. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 30(2-3), 141–150.
  • Miles, H., Dutheil, L., Welsby, I., & Haider, D. (2007) ‘Just Say No’: A preliminary evaluation of a three-stage model of integrated treatment for substance use problems in conditions of medium security. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 18(2), 141-159,
  • Nadort, M., Arntz, A., Smit, J. H., Giesen-Bloo, J., Eikelenboom, M., Spinhoven, P., van Asselt, T., Wensing, M., & van Dyck, R. (2009). Implementation of outpatient schema therapy for borderline personality disorder with versus without crisis support by the therapist outside office hours: A randomized trial. Behaviour research and therapy, 47(11), 961–973.
  • Netwerk zorg aan geïnterneerden. (2020). Informatiebrochure internering.
  • Nijman, H., Cima, M., & Merckelbach, H. (2003). Nature and antecedents of psychotic patients’ crimes. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 14(3), 542–553.
  • Oddie, S., & Davies, J. (2009). A Multi-Method Evaluation of a Substance Misuse Program in a Medium Secure Forensic Mental Health Unit. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 20(3), 132–141.
  • Ogloff, J. R., Talevski, D., Lemphers, A., Wood, M., & Simmons, M. (2015). Co-occurring mental illness, substance use disorders, and antisocial personality disorder among clients of forensic mental health services. Psychiatric rehabilitation journal, 38(1), 16–23.
  • Pesout, K. (2013). Exploratief onderzoek naar de competenties van dé forensische hulpverlener. Masterthesis KuLeuven.
  • Pham, T. H., Habets, P., Saloppé, X., Ducro, C., Delaunoit, B., & Jeandarme, I. (2019). Violence Risk Profile of Medium- and High-Security NGRI Offenders in Belgium. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 30 (3), 530-550.
  • Papalia, N., Spivak, B., Daffern, M., & Ogloff, J. R. (2019). A meta-analytic review of the efficacy of psychological treatments for violent offenders in correctional and forensic mental health settings. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 26(2), e12282.
  • Pouls C., & Jeandarme, I. (2020). Kwaliteitscriteria forensische geestelijke gezondheidszorg. Steunpunt Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Gezin.
  • Pouls, C., Delannoy, D., Degouis, F., Pham, T., & Jeandarme, I. (2020). ZTG geïnterneerden: gegevens 2018. Via:
  • Ritchie, G., Weldon, S., Freeman, L., MacPherson, G., & Davies, K. (2011). Outcomes of a drug and alcohol relapse prevention programme in a population of mentally disordered offenders. The British Journal of Forensic Practice,
    13(1), 32–43.
  • Seynnaeve, K., Goyens, M., & Dheedene, J. (2018). Internering in een veranderend zorglandschap: wat zijn de vaststellingen na één jaar nieuwe wet op de internering? Panopticon, 39(3), 241-250.
  • Shah, A., Waldron, G., Boast, N., Coid, J.W., & Ullrich, S. (2011). Factors associated with length of admission at a medium secure forensic psychiatric unit. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 22(4), 496-512,
  • Smid, W. & Uzieblo, K. (2020). Risicotaxatie : waarheen, waarvoor? De Psycholoog, (3), 32–40
  • Van den Heede, K., Bruyneel, L., Beeckmans, D., Boon, N., Bouckaert, N., Cornelis, J., Dossche, D., Van de Voorde, C., & Sermeus, W. (2019) Safe nurse staffing levels in acute hospitals. Health Services Research (HSR). Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). KCE Reports 325. D/2019/10.273/75.
  • Varela, J. G., Boccaccini, M. T., Cuervo, V. A., Murrie, D. C., & Clark, J. W. (2014). Same score, different message: Perceptions of offender risk depend on Static-99R risk communication format. Law and Human Behavior, 38, 418–427.
  • Vorstenbosch, E. C. W., Bouman, Y. H. A, Braun, P. C., Bulten, E. B. H. (2014). Psychometric properties of the forensic inpatient quality of life questionnaire: quality of life assessment for long-term forensic psychiatric care. Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine, 1(2) 335-48.
  • Ware, A., Wilson, C., Tapp, J., & Moore, E. (2016). Mentalisation-based therapy (MBT) in a high-secure hospital setting: Expert by experience feedback on participation. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 27(5), 722–744.
  • Weltens, I., Bak, M., Verhagen, S., Vandenberk, E., Domen, P., van Amelsvoort, T., & Drukker, M. (2021) Aggression on the psychiatric ward: Prevalence and risk factors. A systematic review of the literature. PLoS ONE 16(10) : e0258346.
  • Wilson, H. A. (2014). Can antisocial personality disorder be treated? A meta-analysis examining the effectiveness of treatment in reducing recidivism for individuals diagnosed with ASPD. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 13(1), 36–46.
  • Young, J. E., Klosko, J. S., & Weishaar, M. E. (2003). Schema therapy: A practitioner’s guide. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Zorg en Gezondheid (2019). Referentiekader forensische geestelijke gezondheidszorg (